Newsletter #11 / Pānui-ā-kura #11 (01/08/2024)

Kā mihi o te wāhaka hōu ki a koutou katoa,

Two weeks down into the new term already!!!! It’s going to fly by with all the things going on. Next week is Cook Islands Language Week, and it is a language close to my heart. The language is listed on the Unesco Oceania endangered languages list as speaking in Kūki’ Āirani decreases at an accelerating pace among younger generations. Luckily, there is a digital dictionary that is super easy to use online, it is fun and easy to learn as it is so similar to NZ Māori. Get your Kia orāna’s ready!!!!
For the week, if any child would like to wear a ‘Ei Katu they are welcome, an ‘Ei Katu is a head garland made of flowers and super common in the Cooks. Lisa’s Boutique sells them (just down the road in Woolston). They are beautiful and a big part of Cook Island culture.
If a child is of Cook Islands descent, they can wear traditional or cultural based clothes all week.
Food on Friday
-Please bring a spoon and/or fork if you wish to try some Cook Island favourites (note: may or may not be children favourites, but it’s great to try things), maybe still pack a normal lunch in case they don’t want any!!
Clothing on Friday-any student may wear Cook Islands based dress for the celebration day (think flowery and bright, head garlands, a tiare behind the ear etc) NOTE: Not non uniform, just if you have pasifika based clothes, go for it!
Assembly and Story Launch on Friday-Still sorting a time but we will have a small assembly and a Cook Island display launch.
Some things you could say! Students will be good as similar to Māori!
Kia orāna Greetings / Hello
Kia orāna kōtou kātoatoa – Greetings to you all
‘Aere rā / ‘Aere atu rā – Goodbye to those who are leaving
‘Ē no‘o rā / No‘o ake rā Goodbye – to those who are staying
‘Inē? – Please
Meitaki – Thank you
Tatarā‘ara – Apologies / Sorry
Inā / Inā ake ana – Excuse me
Ko‘ai tō‘ou ingoa? – What is your name?
Ko tōku ingoa ko ______ – My name is _
Nō‘ea mai koe? Where are you from?
‘E tangata au nō _ mai. I am a person from _
Nō _ mai au. I am from _
Pē‘ea koe? How are you?
Meitaki ma‘ata au – I am very well
‘Aere mai kaikai -Come and eat

Te Rā Hākari o Hato Ani / St Anne’s Feast Day
St Anne’s Feast Day! Students dressed in red and green (colours associated with St Anne), celebrated Mass, were taught a bit about St Anne from the Faith Team and decorated biscuits in St Anne’s colours. Red=love, Green=growth in faith. Thanks Clara Fleming, our DRS, for organising everything!
Ko te Rā Hākari o Hato Ani! I mau weruweru whero/kākāriki kā tamariki (ko kā kara o Hato Ani), i whakanuia Miha, i whakaakona kā tamariki e te Tīma Whakapono, i whakarākei pihikete i kā kara o Hato Ani hoki. Whero=aroha, Kākāriki=tipu i te whakapono. E mihi ana ki a Clara Fleming, tō tātou Kaiwhakahaere o te Whakapono i te whakarite o te katoa!

Secret Trip / Tiripi Toropuku
Term Two was so busy we only just got out for the term two GRIT Trip during the first week this term! The students who showed the most Respect or improvement in Respect from each class were chosen to go on a trip to a secret venue. We ended up at The Oasis Christchurch! Mini golf, V.R., and bubble tea for the troops. What a fun trip with awesome students.
I pukumahi tou te wāhaka toru, kātahi anō mātou ka haere ki waho mō te Tiripi NIWHA i te te wiki tuatahi o te wāhaka nei. Ko kā tamariki i whakatinana ai te whakaute rawa atu, i whakatinana ai te whakapai haere rawa atu rānei o te whakaute i ia rūma, nā rātou i whiriwhiria, nā rātou i haere mō tētahi tiripi ki tētahi wāhi toropuku. Ko te wāhi mutuka, ko The Oasis Christchurch! Ko Hahaupōro Iti, ko Ao Mariko, ko tī mirumiru mō te rōpū. Tētahi tiripi pārekareka ki te taha o ētahi akoka tino pai.

Tumeke Tumuaki / Principals’ Day
Thanks heaps to all the students and staff who gave me gifts, cards, lovely comments and even sang to me (Room 5) for ‘Principals’ Day’. I was helping facilitate a programme called Lalaga today which supports pasifika teachers/leaders into leadership and principalship, held in our Mission Centre and the constant stream of students hunting me down made it very easy to promote the role to them. Thanks for the awesome day students, staff and our future leaders!
Āhaku mihi kau ki kā tamariki katoa , ki kā kaimahi katoa hoki i te homai i kā koha, kā kāri, kā kupu atawhai, te waiata mai hoki (Rūma 5) hai te Rā o te Tumuaki. I te āwhina ahau ki te whakahaere i tētahi hōtaka e kīia nei ‘Lalaga’, Ko te whāika te tautoko o te kaiako Pasifika ki te whakarite mō te tūraka o Tumuaki a te anamata, ā, ko te nama o kā tamariki e rapu ana ki a au, i māmā ki te kōrero pā ana ki kā hua o te tūraka. Ka kī tētahi,” Kā mihi i te mahi a te katoa o kā mea hōhā kia mahi ai mātou i kā mea mīharo” 😁 E mihi atu ana mō te rā mīharo ki kā tamariki, ki kā kaimahi, ki kā kaiārahi o āpōpō!

Mid Year Showcase / Whakaaturaka Waeka o te Tau
Our St Anne’s Hip Hop group ‘Vivacity’ had a great time performing at the Mid Year Showcase to start the holidays. Riley danced a solo performance and Charm in her crew also! Well done everyone! Thanks Dice Sales for the photos and Euphoria Dance Studio for the night.
I pārekareka te wā o te tira Hipihope o Hato Ani ‘Vivacity’ i te Whakaaturaka Hawhe Tau i te tīmataka o te hararei. Ka kanikani a Riley, ka kanikani hoki a Charm i roto i tōna tira. Ka pai koutou mā! E mihi atu ana ki Dice Sales i kā whakaahua, ki Euphoria Dance Studio i te pō.

Holiday Work / Mahi Hararei
Below are some of the upgrades/changes over the break with information under the pictures. Thanks heaps Derty Bull Creative and Langham Signs.
Kai raro ētahi whakahou mai i te wā whakatā me ētahi mōhiohio i raro i kā whakaahua. Kā mihi ki a Derty Bull Creative, ki a Langham Signs hoki.
Van signage is 50/50 Māori/English reflecting the Treaty. Also reflecting our Catholic schools’ ‘Mana Ōrite/Equal Status’ strategic plan. The idea that one language or culture is no more important than the other.
He haurua kā reo e rua o kā tohu i ruka i te waka roa hai whakaata mai i te Tiriti o Waitangi. Waihoki, e whakaatu mai ana i te rautaki o kā kura Katorika (ko Mana Ōrite te taitara). Ko te whāika/whakaaro, ehara i te rerekē te whakahirahirataka o tētahi reo/ahurea ki tētahi atu.
Many signs that were just reflecting one of the two languages of New Zealand were changed.

This is part of a wider project that we hope to launch during Cook Islands Language Week Celebration Day. Hopefully your child will be able to tell you why we chose a mountain in French Polynesia to display in the Mission Centre.

Awhe Ararau
Rooms 5 and 7 have been learning features of the taiao (natural world) so they can participate in an orienteering type work using only te reo Māori. Students will need appropriate walking/running shoes for the days of their trips. Dates below.

Policies / Kā Here
A reminder, if you are interested and would like to take part in our termly reviews of policies, or are interested in any, they can be found  here.   Please follow the link and then have a look around!
He mea maumahara tēnei, mēnā tō hiahia, tirohia kā here, mahia kā arotake hoki. Kai konei kā here. Whāia te honoka, kātahi, tirohia!

If you have any questions, please email or talk to the person whose email address follows the reminder. If there is no email address, it is just something to be aware of.
WEEK 3 / WIKI TORU (Cook Islands Language Week)
For the week, if any child would like to wear a ‘Ei Katu they are welcome, an ‘Ei Katu is a head garland made of flowers. Lisa’s Boutique sells them (just down the road in Woolston). They are beautiful and a big part of Cook Island culture.
-Students of Cook Island descent can wear cultural clothing all week

Monday 5 August – Basketball Practice
Tuesday 6 August – 3pm- Hip Hop practice (if you wish your child to join, please make contact)
Tuesday 6 August – 9am-11.30am Awhe-Ararau (Room 7) Suitable walking shoes needed
Thursday 8 August – 8.30am Technology (Years 7/8)
Friday 9 August – Cook Islands Celebration Day- Please bring a spoon and/or fork if you wish to try some Cook Island favourites (note: may or may not be children favourites, but it’s great to try things), any student may wear Cook Islands based dress this day (think flowery and bright, head garlands, a tiare behind the ear) NOTE: Not non uniform, just if you have pasifika based clothes, go for it!
Friday 9 August – Story Launch / Assembly (times TBC)
Monday 12 August – Basketball Practice
Tuesday 13 August – 3pm- Hip Hop practice (if you wish your child to join, please make contact)
Tuesday 13 August – 9am-11.30am Awhe-Ararau (Room 5) Suitable walking shoes needed
Thursday 15 August – 8.30am Technology (Years 7/8)
WEEK 5 / WIKI RIMA (Tongan Language Week)
Monday 19 August – Rāpaki Noho Marae (Rooms 5 and 7)
Tuesday 20 August – Zone Winter Sports tournament (selected students)
Thursday 22 August – Dallas away at NZPPA Hui (Clara Fleming Acting Principal)
Monday 2 September – Times TBC – Swimming Starts for Years 0-6  (two weeks)
Friday 13 September – Swimming Last Day for Years 0-6 
Sunday 22 September – Parish Mass for all students 10am Haeata Community Campus (more information to come) This will be our only school weekend Mass for the term so all students can make it. Performances from school culture groups will be held immediately after (11am) and a huge feed at 12pm for those who want to hang out. 
Tuesday 24-Thursday 26 September – Koru Games
Friday 27 September
– Last day of the term 2.50pm finish

Monday 14 October – First day of Term 4  9am sharp start
WEEK 3 / WIKI TORU (Tokelau Language Week)
Monday 28 October – Labour Day (No school-public holiday)
Tuesday 29 October – Teacher Only Day (No school)

Monday 15 November – Canterbury Anniversary Day (No school-public holiday)
WEEK 7 / WIKI WHITU (Solomon Aelan Pijin Language Week)
Monday 16 December – Last full day for 2024
Tuesday 17 December – Pop in and meet your 2025 teacher and Room

Te Atua te aro’a ‘ē kia manuia,
Dallas Wichman
Tumuaki / Principal / Pū ‘Āpi’i Ma’ata