The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. Lent is a forty day journey when the whole Christian family sets out to prepare to celebrate the great feast of Easter. The number forty was an important number in the Bible. The people of Israel spent forty years wandering the desert, learning how to live God’s ways before reaching the Promised Land. Jesus spent forty days in the desert praying and fasting in preparation for his work of teaching and healing among the people.
The forty days of Lent is a time for Christians to have a serious think about how well they are following Jesus. It is a time for us to repent or be sorry for the ways we are failing to follow Jesus. Lent is a time for a change of heart. It is a time to grow in friendship with God through praying, fasting and giving.
“Let us stand beside our brothers and sisters in need, sharing our spiritual and material good with them.” —Pope Francis
40 Bags in 40 Days
Our Young Vinnies group are doing a “Fill a Bag “ appeal. This means that we are collecting clean, used items that are in good condition including clothing, toys, books, non perishable food items, blankets etc. We are aiming to fill 40 bags of items to represent the 40 days of Lent. There will be collection bags in each room. Items can be bought in between now and Friday 8th April. Thank you very much for your support!