Exciting Project

This week you will have received a permission slip/consent form for your child to take part in a survey with Massey University focusing on healthy children.  It looks a little scary to start, but really it is just a requirement of universities to have consent.  Your child will be asked questions on food and exercise and some lucky students will get a Fitbit-style device (see picture) to wear for a week to track how active they are and how well they are sleeping.  This will be done again after we run a programme in our school to increase healthy habits.   I assure you, the children will enjoy being part of the survey.  There are also prizes to encourage more students to participate,  and to participate well.
We would also love it if you could complete this survey too! https://massey.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_e5SnfFUZmmyyFJb