From the Principal

Ngā mihi o te waenganui o te wiki!


We had a fabulous day last week.  It looked a bit like Christmas with all the red and green around the place. Hopefully, students will remember red is for love and green is for growth / new life.  ‘To love’ and ‘To grow’ are two things Anne helped Mary with and in turn Mary did for Jesus.  Hopefully we can do the same for our students here at St Anne’s. 

We also had some great ‘Staff vs Students’ netball and basketball.  The score wasn’t taken but by a count it was very even. Please check out Facebook page for the photos.


Last week we had a student trip on a scooter that was not put away properly.  A few students are leaving them anywhere which is causing a trip hazard and  will also cause them to rust.  Scooters left out (ie anywhere but scooter / bike stands) will be stored in the office and will be returned at the end of the week. Usually, it only takes one reminder to sort things out ;-). Thank you for your support in talking to your child about this. I have purchased another scooter stand with optional chain locks if this is the concern. 


Lunchtime is busier than class time. Students now have two games of Twister, two 4 Squares, a Hopscotch game, two Tic Tac Toe games, two Gutterboards, a Gaga Pit, Physical Activity Leaders running games, Julian (a teacher aide) running extension sports, me doing something (sport, art or whatever), a library, oversized Jenga, each class as a set of sports gear, a Padder Tennis court, scooter area, two playgrounds, basketball hoops, soccer goals, and trees to play in. Often the radio is going too for dance. If you have the response of ‘nothing’ for ‘what did you get up to at lunchtime?’, perhaps you could suggest getting involved in one of the above. If any concerns come up regarding friendships, I would suggest to them to try the peer mediators and if that doesn’t work, any of the three adults on duty (duty teacher preferred to be the next on the list). We are the complete opposite of the majority of schools where kids bring their own sports gear and are generally left to their own in free time at lunch, we are a hive of activity and it is amazing. Thank you for all the positive comments regarding opportunities and your thoughts on new initiatives, it never stops but your feedback keeps the motivation up to make it the best school ever in every way (I’m so immature 😉 ).


Please remember we are a waste free school.  Packaged and wrapped (beeswax wraps are fine) food seems to be making its way back into some lunchboxes.   We were doing so well for a while.   Please also remember that it is best to send healthy foods and snack and  leave the treats for  special occasions or when they get home if need be.  There should definitely not be any sweets, lollies or fizzy drinks coming to school.  Thanks for your support in this.