Newsletter #6, 2024/ Pānui-ā-kura #6 (10/05/2024)

Kia orāna kōtou katoatoa i te aro’a ma’ata o tō tātou Atua,
Greetings within the love of our Lord,

The first two weeks of Term Two have raced by, but it has been a great start.  Please check out our school’s Facebook Page for photos of events that have been happening, I noticed that there are a lot fewer views than normal, I’m not sure if Facebook has changed something!! There are some great photos there, mainly thanks to Penny Cherry and the time she gifts to the school for these!  We’ve had: Life Education come and go, a welcome for new families, and the Kāhui Sports and Indigenous Sports Tournaments to name a few.  I would like to draw your attention to the ‘Upcoming Events’ section at the bottom of the newsletter. We try our best to put any upcoming events here should you miss any communications.  We particularly focus on details for the upcoming two weeks in newsletters as they come out fortnightly.  Please read this and note things that affect your child.  Links are there so you can ask the right staff member rather than going to the Parents Page on Facebook  and getting information second hand or giving Penny more to do than necessary (let’s cut out the middle man, or woman in this case).

Vans / Kā Waka Roa
We have been lucky enough to obtain two school vans this week.  The majority of funds for these coming from grants from Pub Charity and NZ Community Trusts, as well as a contribution from our School Board to make it happen.  We hope this makes some events more achievable, easier and cheaper in the long run.  They will be sign written in time. Thanks to our School Board, we are super excited!

Students’ work in RE / Ko kā mahi Whakapono a kā tamariki
Last term, Rooms 7 & 8 spent time learning about why Jesus suffered and died for us.  Jesus loved God and wanted to bring people back into a loving relationship with God. Students also learnt that there are many names given to Jesus in John’s Gospel. John walked with Jesus and wrote his words down.  Jesus was not ambiguous about his mission or his power.  Here are some of them that students explored the meaning of:
        •  I am the way, the trust and the life – John 1 4:6
        •  I am the resurrection and the life – John 1 1:25
        •  I am the bread of life – John 6:35
        •  I am the light of the world – John 8:12
        •  I am the good shepherd – John 10:11
        •  I am God’s son – John 10:36
        •  I am the true vine John 15:1

Jesus is mātāmua and tuakana.  He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.

NB: An example of  student work:

Basketball / Poitūkohu
Mean start to the season for our Year 5/6 basketball team with a win on Tuesday night. Have a great season team!!! Thanks Penny for the photos and making this happen!
Pāia, tētahi timataka ki te wāhaka poitūkohu mō tō mātou tīma poitūkohu tau 5/6 me tētahi toa i te pō o Tūrei. Kia pai te wāhaka e te tīma!!! E mihi ana ki a Penny i kā whakaahua i te whakarite hoki i tēnei.

Welcome / Mihi Whakatau
With a bit of a break from formal welcomes, it was great to formally welcome Daniel Richards to the teaching team and these students (with their families) to St Anne’s. Welcome to all of them, those who couldn’t make it, and of course those who missed this welcome in the past due to covid.
Nā tētahi aukati o kā pōwhiri ōkawa, i tino pai ki te pōwhiri mai a Daniel Richards ki te tīma whakaako, ēnei tamariki mīharo (ki te taha o ō rātou whānau) ki Hato Ani. Nau mai, tauti mai ki a rātou katoa, ko ērā kāhore e taea i te haere mai, Ko ērā kāhore i whai wāhi nā te kōwheori.

Life Education
Big thanks to Helen (Helly) Robinson and Harold from Life Education Trust for coming back to St Anne’s and teaching a wide range of lessons to us. Thanks to Dean Isherwood also for coordinating everything. We hope the children loved it and learnt lots.
Tino nui ā mātou mihi ki a Jelly rāua kō Harold nō Life Education Trust i te hoki mai ki Hato Ani, i te whakaako mai i kā mea maha. E rere atu ana te mihi ki a Dean Isherwood i te whakarite o kā mea katoa. Ko te tūmanako ia, i rawe te wā ki kā tamariki katoa, waihoki, i nui kā ako hōu, wheako hōu ki a rātou.


Pink Shirt Day / Ko te Rā o te Tīhate Māwhero
Friday the 17th of May marks an exciting day at St Anne’s for not just one, but two special events: Pink Shirt Day and our GRIT Challenge.
Firstly, Pink Shirt Day holds great significance in Aotearoa, promoting environments where everyone feels safe, respected, and valued.  Let’s paint our school in shades of pink! From ribbons in hair to vibrant tees, every touch of pink counts.  We’re also inviting students to bring a gold coin donation to support the Mental Health Foundation’s efforts against bullying.  Our Faith Team will lead a spirited coin trail outside the office – join us in spreading aroha and embracing diversity! Important, read on!

GRIT Challenge (Pink becomes brown) / Wero NIWHA (Māwhero ki te Parauri) 
Following our Pink Shirt Day celebrations, we dive into the heart-pounding excitement of our school GRIT Challenge/Cross Country.  Picture this: students dashing through our school grounds and exploring the adjoining creek.  It’s bound to be muddy, wet, and absolutely exhilarating!  Remember to pack a change of clothes that can handle a bit of adventure, and for those planning to pick up their children by car, a couple of towels for post-run comfort is a wise idea.

The fun kicks off after lunch, and we extend a warm invitation to all parents to join us in cheering on our students.  Our seniors will lead the charge, setting an inspiring example for our younger ones as they tackle the challenge with grit and determination.  It’s an event you won’t want to miss!
Let’s make May 17th a day to remember, filled with joy, resilience, and unity.

Financial Literacy / Mātau Ahumoni
He’s our super sub (part time teacher) and he has also been teaching financial literacy for children around our Catholic schools for free. Our seniors learnt a lot yesterday, thanks heaps Adam. Get in touch if you need any of what he offers. He’s super nice and onto it!
Ko ia tō mātou Whakahiri Whakahira (kaiako mō ētahi o te wā) ā nāhana i whakaako ‘Mātau Ahumoni’ ki ētahi kura Katorika mō te kore utu. I ako maha ā mātou tuakana inanahi, nui te mihi ki a koe Adam. Whakapā atu ki a ia, mēnā tō hiahia. He tino atawhai ia, he tino atamai ia.

RE Classroom Focus / Ko te Arotahi a Kā Rūma- by Clara Fleming
Last term each class learnt about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. This term, we will be learning about God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. Our aim is to develop an understanding of what the Church teaches about the persons of the Trinity, and God’s relationship with humanity and all of creation.

School and Parish Mass / Miha Kura me te Pariha – by Clara Fleming
Every term we celebrate a senior and junior school/parish Mass.  It was great to see so many students and families joining in with these Masses last term.  Thank you for your support with this!
Below are the dates for this term:
Senior Classes (Rooms 5-8)  – Saturday 11th May – 6pm
Junior Classes (Rooms 1-4)  – Sunday 9th June – 10.30am

Kāhui Sports and Indigenous Sports Tournament / Ko te Whakataetae Hākinakina
Today was our Year 5 and 6 Kāhui Hub Sports and Indigenous Sports Tournament. Our hub involves St James, St Marys and Catholic Cathedral College. The sports were Unihoc, Ultimate Frisbee and Horohopu. We drew with St James in the overall final. Big thanks to Josh Halkett for organising this event and CCC for hosting. Well done St Anne’s! Photos: Penny Cherry
I te rā nei, ka tū te Whakataetae Hākinakina Taketake/Tāwāhi ā-Kāhui. Kei tō tātou rōpū, a St James, St Marys, CCC hoki. Ko Hōkī Rākau Kirihou, ko Ripi Rewa, ko Horohopu kā kēmu e toru. I takarite te tapeke i roto i te whirika toa ki Hato Hemi. Nui te mihi ki a Matua Josh i te whakarite o te whakataetae nei me CCC i te manaakitaka. Ka pai rā Hato Ani! Kā Whakaahua: nā Penny Cherry

Cross Country Training / Ko Kā Whakakuku Omatahora
On Tuesday, our school’s Cross Country team participated in the Heathcote Valley School Cross Country event.  Ideal preparation for the Zone event next month.  Well done to Ben, Willow, Eve, Issy, Sienna, Tahlia, Milly, Aurora and Niko! Legends!

Year 7/8 Ski Trip / Ko te Tiripi Retireti Hukapapa mā Tau Kura 7/8
We are excited to announce that on the 5th of June, all Year 7 & 8 students will be travelling up to Porters for a day of skiing or snowboarding.  Year 7 & 8 students have been given an information pack with further details. If you didn’t receive this contact

If you have any questions, please email or talk to the person whose email address follows the reminder. If there is no email address, it is just something to be aware of.
Saturday 11 May – 6pm – Senior Mass (Rooms 5, 6, 7, 8) at our church – It is an expectation that you will support children to be at this Mass.  We thank you for making it a priority.
Monday 13 May – 8am – Cross country training at school (for keen children).
Tuesday 14 May – 3.10pm (weekly) – Hip Hop Dance Group
Wednesday 15 May – 8am – Cross country training at school (for keen children).
Thursday 16 May – Marian College visit (for Year 8 Girls)
Thursday 16 May – 8.30am (weekly) – Technology for years 7/8, don’t miss the bus!
Friday 17 May – Pink Shirt Day.  Non uniform day for all.  Definitely don’t wear good clothes as GRIT challenge could ruin them.
Friday 17 May – 1pm to end of school day (descending order of age, seniors first, then juniors) – GRIT Challenge. An adventure Cross Country for the whole school.  Bring a towel or a change of clothes  for the car ride home as children will get wet and/or muddy.
Monday 20 May – 9.20am – Mihi Whakatau as we welcome two student teachers to St Anne’s for five weeks. Room 1 – Maureen Locke, Room 7 – Karleen Weidner
Monday 20 May – 8am –
Cross country training at school (for keen children).
Tuesday 21 May – 3.10pm (weekly) – Hip Hop Dance Group
Wednesday 22 May – 8am – Cross country training at school (for keen children).
Thursday 23 May – 8.30am (weekly) – Technology for years 7/8, don’t miss the bus!
All Week – Samoan Language Week
Thursday 30 May – Dallas away, Dean Isherwood acting principal
Friday 31 May – 11-12.30pm – Open classrooms for Rooms 1 and 2 (parents)
Friday 31 May – Feast Day for Samoan Language Week
Sunday 2 June – 10.30am – First Communion
Monday 3 June – King’s Birthday (No school-public holiday)
Sunday 9 June – 10.30amJunior Mass (Rooms 1, 2, 3, 4) at our church – It is an expectation that you will support children to be at this Mass. We thank you for making it a priority.
Nothing to note at present
Wednesday 19 June-Friday 21 June – Dallas Wichman and Clara Mapley at Catholic Convention.  Dean Isherwood acting principal.
Nothing to note at present
Friday 5 July – 7am – Year 7/8 ski trip

Monday 22 July – First day of term three 9am sharp start

Te Atua te aro’a ‘ē kia manuia,
Dallas Wichman
Tumuaki / Principal / Pū ‘Āpi’i Ma’ata