Newsletter #4, 2024 / Pānui-ā-kura #4, (22/03/2024)

Kia orāna kōtou katoatoa i te aro’a ma’ata o tō tātou Atua,
Greetings within the love of our Lord,

Holy Week / Wiki Tapu
By Clara Fleming – DRS / Nā Clara Fleming – Kaiwhakahaere o te Whakapono

Next week, we are entering into Holy Week. Holy Week marks the final week of Lent, leading up to the joyous celebration of Easter Sunday. It is a time when we remember the events leading to Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection.

During Holy Week, we reflect on Jesus’ journey – from his joyful entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to his Last Supper with his disciples, his suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane, and his crucifixion on Good Friday. These events remind us of Jesus’ sacrifice and the love he showed for all of us.

On Thursday, our school will be doing the Stations of the Cross as a way for us to walk alongside Jesus and remember the moments leading to his crucifixion. Each station helps us reflect on different parts of Jesus’ journey. It is a chance for us to think about Jesus’ love and sacrifice, and what it means for our own lives.

As we enter into Holy Week, let us take this opportunity to grow closer to Jesus and appreciate the love he has for each of us.

Thank God for relievers! / Mihi atu ki te Ātua mō kā kairīwhi
Wow, what a week or two! At our peak day we had 5/8 usual teachers away. A lot of it is illness related, some with covid, personal leave and a course. Please be vigilant with not sending symptomatic children to school, we need to help our classmates and teachers to remain well. Some weeks we thrive and achieve so much, some weeks we just survive. When just one teacher is away, it adds to the workload of all other staff members (and myself) as we help the reliever get sorted, find the room/key, help them get computers working, with any children who have individual needs, lock up after them, find sports gear for them if needed, cover their duties, and if running or part of events, cover the absent teacher’s responsibilities.

8.30am / 8.30 i te ata
Also, please remember  school doesn’t open until 8.30am.  If you need to speak to a teacher before school please wait until the 8.30am bell,  or make an appointment ahead of time with the teacher concerned.   Teachers may be in class before 8.30am but this is to prepare for the day’s lessons uninterrupted, particularly so for relievers and currently, other teachers helping relievers to get sorted. We definitely prefer after school, but if that doesn’t work for your work hours, message the teacher or pop in after 8.30am. Thanks heaps for your understanding.

Traffic Management / Whakahaere Waka
Hardly a day goes by that we don’t receive a complaint from the public, parents, the parish or the church on the corner regarding driving and parking behaviour from our parents. It’s so embarrassing for us as a school dedicated to serving others and caring for others that members of our community put safety at risk, show lack of respect for rules etc. etc. The safety management team is currently observing daily and they are looking at all driver behaviour. We did contact them, specifically about the parents who park on yellow lines and cause bikers and cars out into the middle of the road and make it hard for our road patrol to see. This has almost caused accidents several times, however, they are observing all things due to regular complaints that have gone straight to them also. Let’s hope our children become more safe due to their input.

Room 6 Religious Studies’ Learning / Ko te Ako Whakapono a Rūma 6
As we near the end of the Lenten season, Room 6 has been learning about the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. We have created some artworks in the style of the stained glass windows you can find in many churches. We have placed a cross in the centre of our artworks to remember Jesus’ sacrifice.

Room 5 Religious Studies’ Learning / Ko te Ako Whakapono a Rūma 5
What is Christus Vivit?
Room 5’s answers:
“Christus Vivit is a book written by Pope Francis telling us if you get knocked down, stand up.”
“A special book young people can read”
“It’s a religious book with Pope Francis’ words, God’s words, and everyday scriptures for life and more.”
“A holy book written by the Pope.”

How does it help us?
Room 5’s answers:
“Brings us closer to God”
“To learn more about Jesus”
“To come closer to God and Jesus with educational words and advice.”
“It reminds us of Jesus, how he is with us and how he saved us.”

What do these verses mean to you?
Verse 19. “ The Gospel also speaks of a group of wise young women, who were ready and waiting while others were distracted and slumbering (cf. Mt25:1-13). We can, in fact, spend our youth distracted, skimming the surface of life, half asleep, incapable of cultivating meaningful relationships or experiencing the deeper things in life. In this way, we can store up a paltry and insubstantial future. Or we can spend our youth aspiring to beautiful and great things things, and thus store up a future full of life and interior richness.” Pope Francis – ‘Christus Vivit’

Room 5’s answers:
“Don’t waste your time doing wasteful things and do something beautiful.”
“While we are young we can do good stuff in life.”
“Do not waste our life without experiencing the beautiful world God made for us.”
“Spend more time with your family and friends and going to church.”

Verse 20. “If you have lost your inner vitality, your dreams, your enthusiasm, your optimism and your generosity, Jesus stands before you as once he stood before the dead son of the widow, and with all the power of his resurrection he urges you: “Young man, I say to you, arise!” (Lk7:14).

Room 5’s answers:
“Jesus is with us trying to get our spark back”
“Don’t feel bad, but feel good”
“Arise and follow the spirit”
“When you get knocked down, get back up”

Learning Conferences aka Parent Interviews / Hui Ako 
These are coming up in week 10. These are for all current students of the school. To do this, please go to the Skool Loop app and then go to ‘Bookings’, see below for what it should look like for you. Please just book one time per child and is fine to back to back them if you have siblings as we will be strict on times so we don’t fall behind. IF MORE THAN 15 MINUTES ARE REQUIRED, PLEASE ARRANGE AN ALTERNATIVE TIME SO ALL TEACHERS DON’T FALL BEHIND IN TIME.
Wednesday 3 April – Learning Conferences 12.15pm – 6pm (12pm Early Finish for all students)
Thursday 4 April – Learning Conferences 3pm – 5.45pm
Basketball (Years 5/6, Years 7/8)
It is not too late, if you would like your child to play, please fill in a registration form in the office as soon as possible. There are only a few spots left so be quick. School does not organise transport and games can be between 3.30pm-7.30pm.
Years 5/6 – Tuesdays
Years 7/8 – Thursdays

Good luck! / Kia waimarie! Kia manuia! Ia manuia!
All the best to Sienna Aukusitino who is competing at the National Show Jumping Championships today!! Hopefully some pictures next week.

Well done Eve! / Ka pai rā Eve!
Eve represented St Annes at the Zone Swimming Sports. She came 4th in Breast Stroke in her heats, then 1st in her Backstroke heats, but couldn’t quite manage a placing in the finals placing 4th.

Bowling / Maita
A big thank you to Canterbury Bowling Club for teaching our Year 7 and 8s the art of lawn bowls. Each week, for six weeks students were taught how to play, practised and then were fed. I hope some families consider joining. It is a sport that is accessible to so many. Right next to Woolston Working Men’s Club only a kilometre from school. Maua and Niko getting competitive but having fun too! Thanks Penny for the photos each week and to all that helped!

Living our faith through our actions! / Mā te mahi, e whakatinana ai te whakapono!

Our stars of the last few weeks.  Well done for using your hearts in your actions team.
Ko ō tātou whetū mai i kā wiki e ruarua kua hipa.  Ka pai e te tīma mō te whakamahi o tō kākau ki roto i āu mahi.

Pasifika Principals Association / Rōpū Tumuaki nō te Moana Nui a Kiwa
Last week I  attended the New Zealand Pasifika Principals Association AGM and conference the next day in Wellington. We spent time with the Ministry of Education, ERO (Education Review Office) and as a group looking to the future. I was nominated to the Executive of this group with eight others so hope I can help from here in the south. If you would like to read more on what we got up to, it is here.

Stay and Play / Noho mai me te purei
We are working with Sports Canterbury to bring St Anne’s students the awesome opportunity to try out different sports and enjoy being active with their whānau. We have loved the opportunity so far. Please come along and enjoy playing together and giving a new sport a try! Children need to be supervised by their parents and siblings are welcome to be a part of this too.

School Term Absence Policy / Here Tamō Wāhaka Kura

For any holiday during term time, you need to advise the office in writing of the dates. Please be aware that Parents/Caregivers need to seek approval from the board for all planned absences that exceed 20 consecutive school days during school term time.
The board meets twice per term.

Policies / Kā Here
A reminder, if you are interested and would like to take part in our termly reviews of policies, or are interested in any, they can be found  here.   Please follow the link and then have a look around!

Youth Group Tonight / Rōpū Taitamariki ā te pō nei
This Friday instead of our usual run times for our Parish youth groups Gen 1, CROWNS & STAY we will be having a combined youth gathering to prepare for Holy Week from 6pm-7:45pm at St Anne’s Hall – we will start with pizza and fellowship in the hall and then make our way to the church to pray the stations of the cross together. All children and their families are welcome to join us.

If there are any confident readers that would like to read one of the stations please let myself or one our youth team know.

What Now! the tv show / What Now! Te whakaaturaka pouaka whakaata
What Now asked us for some students who are confident, entertaining and like to talk. I said, that’s most of our students. We narrowed the field in the age group they wanted and these four were at a local Woolston antique store. Keep your eyes on What Now for our children in the near future.

Uniform Survey / Weruweru Kura
Don’t forget to let us know what you think!  The survey closes 31 March 2024.
The board would like your feedback on our uniform to see what the feel of the community is, and if how it is at present is reflective of us. We warmly invite you to give feedback. Click on the link, any problems,  complete the paper one at the end of the newsletter and return it to the office.

QR code for the survey if you are reading a paper copy of the newsletter.

If you have any questions, please email or talk to the person whose email address follows the reminder. If there is no email address, it is just something to be aware of. 

Monday 25 March and Tuesday 26 March – Teachers spelling professional development (some staff will be unavailable during the day and afterschool on this day)
Tuesday 26 March – Hip Hop lessons at 3.15-4.15pm
Wednesday 27 March – Stay and Play 3pm
Friday 29 March –
Good Friday – No School
Monday 1 April – Easter Monday – No School
Tuesday 2 April – Easter Tuesday – No School
Wednesday 3 April – Learning Conferences 12.15pm – 6pm (12pm Early Finish)
Thursday 4 April – Learning Conferences 3.15pm – 5.45pm
Monday 8 April – Kāhui Ako Sports and Indigenous Sports Tournament (years 7 and 8)
Friday 12 April
– Last day of term 2.50pm finish
Monday 29 April – First day of term two 9am start

Te Atua te aro’a!
Kia manuia,
Dallas Wichman
Tumuaki / Principal / Pū ‘Āpi’i Ma’ata

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