Te Wero ‘Me Neke’
I tērā wiki, ka whai wāhi mātou i te wero ‘Move It’ hei tautoko i a Caritas ki te kohi pūtea mō ngā tangata pōhara. I te wiki, i whai wāhi ngā tamariki i ngā mahi hākinakina, kēmu, kanikani, wero hoki kia neke haere. I whakamutua te wiki e mātou i tētahi rā katoa o ngā ngohe, ngā wero hoki, kātahi ka mutu mātou me te whakataetae ‘tug-o-war.’ I rawe te wiki! He wā pai ki te tautoko i a Caritas!
Nā tō koutou āwhina, i kohi mātou i koni atu i te $2500! Nō reira, $10,000 te pūtea ka hoatu tātou ki ngā tangata pōhara nā te āwhina o te ‘NZ Aid Programme!’ Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou i te tautoko, te manaakitanga hoki!
Nā Clara Mapley (DRS)
Move It Challenge
Last week we took part in the ‘Move It Challenge’ to support Caritas and raise money for those in need. Throughout the week, students took part in sports, games, dances and challenges to get moving. We ended the week with a whole day of activities and challenges, finishing off with a tug-o-war competition between the classes. It was a great week and an excellent way to support Caritas in their efforts for social justice.
With your help we managed to raise over $2500! This gets multiplied by four with the help of the New Zealand Aid Programme, so over $10,000 will be going to people in need all over the world due to your efforts! A huge thank you for all of your support and generosity!
Clara Mapley (DRS)