We celebrated Pentecost recently. It is the birthday of the Church and we remembered this by wearing red to represent the tongues of fire and celebrating with some birthday games (Pass the Parcel and Musical Statues). The Faith Team led us in this and we thank them for their work preparing all the activities.
Now we turn our attention to the God Strand. Here are some of the key understandings we will be looking at.
God is Creator: Students will recognise that God created the universe out of nothing and keeps it in being.
God is Gracious: Students will recognise that God’s many gifts to people are a sign of His love.
God is Present in the World: Students will be able to describe how God is present everywhere in the world through creation.
God is Love: Students will identify the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as a loving community of three persons who are one God.
God is Faithful: Students will develop an understanding of God’s constant faithfulness
despite, at times, people’s unfaithfulness, so that continually God is calling people to be reconciled in relationships with self, others, creation, and God – Te Atua.
God the Creator is holy and the source of all life, grace, and holiness: People are
created in the image and likeness of God and are called to believe in God; to adore
Him and share in His wonderful creation.