Next week is walk or wheels week!
The aim is to get to school (or if you are a long way away, part of the way) via walking, scooter, skateboard or bike.
Each day this can be done children need to tell their teacher and they will go into draws for awesome prizes.
Friday will be a non-uniform day for all and will be a wheels day at school. We will have cool tracks, teachers on bikes etc. so will be a fun day to bring the scooter or bike, even if you can’t use it getting to school.
COMPETITIONS-BEST DRESSED WHEELS-On the Friday we will have a competition for the best dressed wheels. Add things, make them look amazing. Maybe a theme to them?! Try and link the bike to the rider when selecting non-uniform clothes.
COMPETITIONS-BEST DRESSED FEET-If you don’t have wheels or can’t get them to school on the Friday, dress up your feet!
Looking forward to it next week already!