Talofa lava, kia orāna, kumusta, kia ora e te whānau whānui o Hato Ani
Firstly, the need to know asap stuff!
Covid Omicron Information – Keep calm and carry on!
We wish to assure you that we have procedures in place should a confirmed Covid case affect our school. If/When cases arise, you will be informed via Skool Loop in general and we will immediately (once ascertained) contact parents/caregivers of all students identified as close contacts. Close contacts will be required to be picked up immediately and to isolate for 7 days. We will not say on either Facebook page so ensure you have the Skool Loop app. and correct contact details for you.
The problem is, we have had a few children unwell recently and caregivers were not easy to contact. THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE PLEASE.
Attached is a printout of the contact details we have for your child/ren. Please check that these are correct and add any further contact details we may require before RETURNING TO SCHOOL ON MONDAY.
Ideally, we need the following:
- Parents’ or Caregivers’ names, all contact phone numbers (personal/work/home), and preferably more than one email address.
- At least one other Emergency contact name and phone number. This person should be someone you feel comfortable with picking your child up if we are unable to make contact with you as a parent or primary caregiver. (not if Covid contact tracing)
PLEASE make sure corrections and additional contact details are clearly written on the sheet and return or email to the school office on Monday. reception@stannes.co.nz
We cannot stress enough the importance of parents and caregivers making every effort to be contactable should it be required. If you have any concerns please let me know.
Thanks for your support!
Other preparations:
Please ensure you have or can access (if you don’t know how, email your child’s teacher):
–Skool Loop (download from the appstore) for notices, newsletters, calendar, absentee messages and ‘check ins’ when onsite.
–Seesaw login (both student and parent logins)-All students for all work
–Home Learning page-Not active at the moment, but the link is on our website www.stannes.co.nz
–Reading Eggs login (Juniors)-for reading
–Mathletics login (Seniors)-for mathematics
–Languagenut (available for all students)-for language learning
School Life
It has been a super exciting start to the term with camp, gymnastics, new students and families, lots of outdoor learning, new furniture, pasifika drumming, road patrol, and the list goes on.
Masks were new for the senior rooms. We have reminded the children our vision of our founders, the Mission Sisters and our faith, is doing things and caring for others. Mask wearing is about protecting others more than yourself. In Asian countries, for years if someone felt slightly unwell, they will wear a mask to ensure others don’t catch what they have. This is the essence of it! If they complain, praise them for thinking of others! There are some cool ones out there! Love the creativity!
Let’s all get back to our roots and put others before ourselves! Society is very me, me, me, but our faith is not that. This must be remembered this year as we aim to ‘Witness Christ’ through our lives!
Mahi Kāika / Homework Challenges
This exciting programme that has been established for a few years now will be given out on Monday! Whilst it is optional, it is assumed all will do it unless home life does not permit. If students are aiming for end of year academic awards like GRIT or Excellence Awards, it is an assumed prerequisite.
Hair: It seems ‘holiday hair’ has found its way into term time. Please remember, ‘tidy hair of natural colour’ is part of our procedures and expectations here. Please can this be fixed over the weekend. It was, and still is in every enrolment booklet in every enrolment pack and you chose to enrol, so please follow what you signed up to.
Rubbish: We are rubbish free! Students actioned this change, the BOT agreed, please stop putting rubbish into lunchboxes!
Uniform: We have never seen so much uniform left all over the field. Please ensure everything is named, if named it will return to them, if no name, it will be given away with the free uniform.
Also, we are plain black shoes! Many thanks for support this.
Kā mihi/Fa’afetai/Fakafetai/Thank you
To all of you supporting me and the school, I thank you heaps. I know wearing masks on pick ups and not coming on site as much is a pain, and I thank you for not moaning and following the rules. You are awesome! Let’s keep looking after one another team!
Message from the Parish
Welcome to St Anne’s School for 2022. Thanks to those parents who have already paid their Term 1 Attendance Dues.
Do you know that these can be paid in instalments, or you can set up an automatic payment to account 03 1592 0207535 21. Please use your name and invoice number as references.
The old account 03 1592 0602156 21 will close at the beginning of March. If you have an AP setup for this account, please contact me accounts@christchurcheast.org.nz or 027 7517652.
Angela McPherson,
Finance Administrator,
Catholic Parish of Christchurch East