Now that we are back under Covid19 Alert Level 2, we will follow similar procedures to the last time we were in Level 2.
Any students and staff must stay at home if they are sick, and we will send anyone home immediately if they show any symptoms. Please be prepared to have someone pick up your child if you get a call that they are sick.
The main thing is, ‘we are in this together’. Please actively do your part by following our guidelines below:
Drop Offs and Pick Ups
We request that children are dropped off and picked up at the gate in the mornings, if you need to walk through the gate please do not come beyond the fence barrier on the court. The only exception here are caregivers of Room 4 students. If you are a parent of a Room 4 student and are coming into school you will need to scan the Tracing QR code on the door or ‘sign in’ outside the library on our sign in sheets, (once a day is enough), please tick whether you will be entering into the classroom. If you are entering the classroom, then we request that like dairies, one adult at a time (this includes the cloakroom). Please keep time to a minimum. Teachers and friends will be around to look after your children.
Distancing is very difficult in a classroom with children and adults all together so please help us here.
The playground is not to be used after school during level two.
FAQ-What if I need to talk to the teacher and I am a parent of a year 2-8?
Please email, message on Seesaw, or call the office 3843073. If you need a face to face. Please book a time and sign in. Remember, phones are in every room so just call the office with urgent messages.
Foyer – This area is ONE WAY ONLY, ARRIVAL ONLY until further notice. Please come through the foyer to register on arrival. Students do not need to be signed in however minors accompanying adults do need to be registered. If waiting to sign in, please keep a two-metre gap. Feel free to bring your own pen for signing in. ‘Sign out’ is not necessary. We will have hand sanitiser available.
Please leave via the outside of the building, not through the foyer as this can be a bottleneck area where social distancing will be lost if we keep the status quo.
Physical distancing is a good precaution to prevent the spread of disease. We do however know it is challenging in schools, so good hygiene practices and regular cleaning are even more important here. This includes staff and students coughing into their elbows, handwashing and drying, santising, and regular cleaning of commonly touched surfaces.
For more information about the public health measures at Alert Level 2, you can visit the website:
Thank you for your understanding and we, like you, hope that this is only a short term measure. If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to call the office.
We will update you with any further information as it comes to hand.