School Attendance Dues
Attendance dues are charged by the Parish, on behalf of the Proprietor, who is our Bishop of Christchurch. These compulsory fees are collected by the Parish and forwarded to the Bishop, and these fees enable the capital and property works to be carried out, and maintained, for the School.
Accounts for Attendance Dues for your children are sent out each term, usually by email but are printed and posted to those who don’t have an email address, and are payable immediately. These amounts are approved by our Bishop, and advised to the School and wider school community for the upcoming school year.
I would remind you of the application for enrolment that you signed, when applying to place your child at our School. You wanted a strong, gospel-values-based education, that would nourish, enrich, and challenge your child to reach their potential; and ensure they were ready to leave our school and enter the next phase of their education at High School, with confidence and a solid values and knowledge base. You agreed on this form to meet the Attendance Dues costs each term.
We have a number of ways in which you can meet your Attendance Dues debt. You can pay in full each term, either online, or by cheque to the Parish Office; or you could choose to make a regular payment that meets the cost of these fees over the course of the term or school year. $8 per week, per child over the school year, or a slightly lesser weekly amount over the course of the whole calender year, will meet these fees. The timing of these payments is your choice, and can line up with your family income, for ease of budgeting.
A small, regular amount makes this achievable.
If your family is experiencing financial difficulties, or serious hardship, we encourage you to call the Parish Office and make an appointment with our Parish Priest to discuss your situation in detail. We can often help, or find you help. However, we cannot help if we do not know your situation!
We thank you for your ongoing support of our wonderful school, and for your commitment to meeting these Attendance Dues.
Vanessa Shearer
On behalf of the Stella Maris Parish Finance Committee